Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Presents

My Christmas present....a Zojirushi bread making machine. I love it! I've made 3 loaves of bread and a cake so far. It makes very big loaves so with just the two of us it lasts a while. You can also make meatloaf and jam in it. I'm excited to try the jam.

My fiber arts group, the Saco Valley Fiber Artists, has a Christmas party every year. We all bring a dish to share & a gift for the gift swap. The gift that I got was two balls of brightly colored roving, a sock making kit (just add needles) and this neat little hand made kind of like a daytimer. My friend Janet made it and did the penny rug design on the front of a heart, sheep & sunflower. Doesn't she do a beautiful job?

The sock kit I've almost finished. I'm making those for myself as I need a new pair of wool socks.
This is the inside of the "daytimer" (for lack of a better name to call it). It is made from a quilted placemat that is folded over, sewn and then sewn to create little pockets to hold things. It could be used for different things....like holding knitting needles maybe.
Tristan & Petnuia got a new scratching post. Poor Tristan kept trying to rub & scratch himself but all he had to scratch on was shiny metal pen panels. So I tied up a pallet for them & they've used it plenty already. There's a nice lanolin "patina" on it. ;o)

Petunia is quite loving. She kept trying to get up to see the camera & I was trying to keep her back a little in the camera view.

You can see her breath in this picture. She's a sweetie.
I am weaving overshot table runners that match the kitchen towels that I did before Christmas. I will probably get 2 runners with the warp that I have left on my loom. This is the first one.


1 comment:

My Life Under the Bus said...

The table runner is gorgeous !