Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christopher Update

Christopher is doing much better. He is not quite himself but I haven't seen him loose his balance since Monday night. I will continue to observe him. Hopefully he gets back to normal in a few days after the last of his meds are done.

I got a new camera which I just LOVE. It is a Canon Powershot A590IS. I wanted a smaller point & shoot camera of my own that I could take with me all the time so I found an article online from PC World on the Top 10 Point & Shoot Cameras. This one was at the top of the list. It was a great price for 8.0 megapixels and 4X zoom AND it was on sale at Sears! So I have been playing with it and I am very, very happy with it. Here are some playing around shots.

I love standing way back & looking into the barn at night. I love the cozy glow & watching the animals all content inside.



Claire MW said...

So glad to hear he's doing better. What a relief for you also. I love your new camera, and the duck picture is so cute! I'm enjoying my ducks from the rescue league very much. It amazes me how big they are already, but how unfeathered they are at the same time (very unlike chicks). When do they start to feather out in their bodies?

Deb said...

That's great news Kelly - hopefully the thiamine did the trick and Christopher will be just fine.

Stay warm!

Kelly said...

Yes, hopefully the thiamine was it. He has his last penicillin shot last night. Hopefully he'll stay fine & not backslide.

Claire, I don't know about the ducks. We've never gotten ducklings. I do remember a couple young ones having fuzz for awhile & they gradually grew feathers replacing the fuzz. I don't remember how old they were though. I seem to remember thinking that they did take longer than chickens to have their fuzz replaced with feathers.